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Bus schedules and fares for journey between Yangon-Mandalay-Inle-Bagan-Moulmein.

You will find below the schedule for some air-con bus between the main tourist towns in Myanmar (Yangon - Mandalay - Inle - Bagan - Moulmein - Pyay), the beach of Chaung Tha and Pathein from where you can go to the very good beach of Ngwe Saung.

Buses in Myanmar are becoming more and more confortable (no sleeping buses yet) and it is the cheapest way to travel everywhere.

Cost are always around 25 $ to 30 $, depending on the quality of the company.

  • Prices and schedules are changing. Contact us if you want an accurate and up to date information.
  • There is a lot of buses every night, especially departing from Yangon and Mandalay BUT it is the favorite way of travelling for Myanmar people, so the best buses companies can be fully booked 3-4 days in advance.
  • Most big buses companies have recently bought brand new Scania buses for Europe. The overall quality has jumped...
  • There is very convenient, very fast and cheap DAY TIME buses between Mandalay and Yangon. If you want to save a lot, and you do not want to spend a night in the bus, this is a very convenient and comfortable way of travelling (and very cheap compare to train, plane or worst car).
  • Some premium companies now include a snack and drink during the bus trip. (Even bus hostess)
  • Air con buses are reliable (for Myanmar) but we strongly recommend that you NOT to try to catch a plane the same day that your bus is "supposed" to arrive. Do not believe the schedule (even if most of the time it is quite accurate).
  • Bring warm clothes, it can be very cold in winter AND summer (air con), bring eye curtain also. Most of the bus companies have stopped to put music and TV after 23h00.
  • Sometimes if it is really better to come at the bus station early to get the best seat (you may have to pay a little extra).
  • Travelling with air con bus is not a nightmare, but if you really like your hot and cozy bed, avoid it. Otherwise it is very nice and cheap.
  • If you are travelling away from the main cities (Mandalay Yangon, Moulmein, Bago, Inle, Pwin Oo Lwin), you will probably get one of the old bus along with bad road.This kind of journey can be quite challenging.... try to get information before. Even if most important roads have improved a lot, roads between remote cities are usually very abled.
Bus Station (Depart) Bus Station (Arrive) Name of car   Depart Arrival
     arrive to Mdl  ELite Normal     
Yangon - Mandalay     Aung Mingalar Station     1st stop at Front of Train Station   Special 08:30 05:00 
2nd stop Kywel Sel Kan Bus station    Special  21:00/21:30 05:00/06:00
 stop at Kywel Sel Kan   Khaing Mandalay Normal 09:00/21:00  17:00/05:00
  Special 21:00   05:00
Mandalay - Yangon Kywel Sel Kan Station Arrive to Ygn ELite Normal    
1st stop at 8 Mile Special 08:30 05:00
2nd stop at Aung Mingalar Station Khaing Mandalay Special 21:00/21:30 05:00/06:00
Normal 09:00/21:00 17:00/05:00
Yangon - Bagan Aung Mingalar Station Shwe See Khon Bagan Minthar Normal 08:00/18:00 20:00/06:00
A Yein Damar Normal 08:00/18:30 20:00/06:30
Bagan - Yangon Nyaung Oo Station Aung San Station JJ Normal 07:30 17:00
JJ Special  08:30 17:30
Yangon-Taungyi Aung Mingalar Station Aye Thar Yar Gate  Yan Gyi Aung Normal 16:00/17:00 02:00/03:00
Special S 04:00/05:00
Taungyi - Yangon Aye Tharyar Station  Aung Mingalar Station Yan Gyi Aung Normal  06:00 17:00
Special  16:00  04:30
Yangon - Ngwe Saung Aung Mingalar Station Ngwe Saung Staiton Shwe Pyi Lwin Normal 06:30 13:00
Mandalay - Bagan  Kywel Sel Kan Station  Nyaung Oo Station Shwe Mann Thu    Normal 08:30 12:30 
  22:00 03:00
Bagan - Mandalay Nyaung Oo Station Kywel Sel Kan Station Shwe Mann Thu  Normal  08:00 14:00 
  15:00  21:00 
   21:30 05:00 
Bagan - Nyaung Shwe Nyaung Oo Station   Nyaung Shwe Station Bagan Minthar  Normal 07:00/07:30   15:00
   18:30 03:30 
Nyaung Shwe - Bagan Nyaung Shwe Station Nyaung Oo Station Bagan Minthar   Normal   06:00  15:00
    18:00 03:30
Mandalay - Taung Gyi  Kywel Sel Kan Station     Aye Thar Yar Gate Shwe Taung Yoe  Normal 19:30 02:30 
Special  09:00  04:00 
Taung Gyi - Mandalay  Aye Tharyar Station Kywel Sel Kan Station  Shwe Mann Thu Normal  18:00 18:00
Special 19:00 04:00
Yangon - Kalay Yangon Kalay   Tatlan Normal  10.00  14h00 (un jour aprés)